The next Batman animated series, debuting in 2013, is titled Beware the Batman. According to Register, the CGI animated series will spotlight a classic-looking Batman teaming up with a gun-toting Alfred Pennyworth and a female ninja sidekick. Beware the Batman is executive-produced by Glen Murakami, and will also explore the mythology’s more obscure villains, such as Professor Pyg, but will also feature mainstays such as The Joker and The Penguin. In the series, Batman will team up with a younger female sidekick named Katana. During the keynote, Register added that Katana will fill the sidekick role, but won't be a replacement for Robin.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
New Batman series for 2013: Beware the Batman
Warner Bros. is developing a new CGI- animated Batman series for 2013. Here's the skinny:
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